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Santessons väg 323261 Arlöv

Comfort Armrest System® is a brand belonging to Sydmeko Industri AB that includes armrest adaptations to more than 250 car models with a focus on ergonomics, high quality, dynamic function and appealing design. The armrests are easily mounted with adapter fittings directly in existing holes in the seat frame. The armrests are adjustable, foldable and provide an optimal ergonomic driving position, regardless of the adjustment of the seat or the driver's length.

Lundavägen 14321225 Malmö
Segedalsvägen 223291 Arlöv
Segedalsvägen 223291 Arlöv
Ernst wigforss gata 9422762 Lund
Santessons väg 523261 Arlöv
Staffanstorpsvägen 10423261 Arlöv
Västkustvägen 1721124 Malmö

2.41 (69)

Nöbbelövs Mossaväg 322660 Lund
Annedalsvägen 922764 Lund

4.67 (12)

Kabingatan 121239 Malmö

1.81 (16)